550 Cambie Street
The project site is located mid-block on Cambie Street between Dunsmuir and Pender Streets in the Crosstown neighborhood of Vancouver and within the Central Business District (CBD) Extension area. The proposed development is a 264,009 sqft and 22-storey office building providing approximately 258,245 sqft of office space with 5,764 sqft of retail at grade.
The building‘s architectural expression is a sculpted form achieved by a process of subtraction in response to contextual constraints. What meets the ground as a rectangular form is transformed through a terraced low rise base, angular high rise tower form to create a ‘crystalline’ building that addresses the site and its relation to nearby Victory Square. The building form is driven by a deep recognition of the significance of Victory Square throughout the entire calendar year. Sculpting the upper portion of the building yields a building form that balances the generation of job space with the preservation of the quality of space within Victory Square. The resultant volume is broken down into various components through massing and façade articulation in order to relate to context and produce legible architecture. These components can be organized into three elements: base, low-rise, and tower. The unique façade expression is informed by both the building’s historical context and performative building envelope design. The texture created on the façade responds to fenestration qualities found within the retained Cleland-Kent building façade in addition to buildings within the immediate context of Crosstown, Gastown, and Chinatown.