Show all Mixed-Use Office Residential Retail Hospitality Health + Science Public Heritage Master Planning The PostHeritage,Retail,Office,Mixed-Use Vancouver Convention Centre WestPublic MNP TowerHeritage,Office Broadway and GranvillePublic,Retail,Residential,Mixed-Use B6Office Robert H. N. Ho Research CentreHealth + Science King George HubMaster Planning,Retail,Residential,Mixed-Use Vancouver Centre IIRetail,Office,Mixed-Use 2111 Main StreetRetail,Residential,Mixed-Use 717 DavieHospitality,Residential 1628 Scotia StreetHealth + Science,Office,Mixed-Use Arbutus and BroadwayPublic,Retail,Residential,Mixed-Use 13511 102 Ave SurreyPublic,Residential,Mixed-Use 2535 Carolina StResidential 449 West 39th AveResidential 107A Avenue SurreyPublic,Residential,Mixed-Use 10662 King GeorgeRetail,Residential,Mixed-Use 8 E BroadwayRetail,Residential,Mixed-Use 1960 W7th AvenueResidential 2166 W 14th AvenueResidential Oslo on 5thResidential Calgary Climbing CentrePublic 550 Cambie StreetRetail,Office Yello on YatesResidential 1755 West 14thResidential 625 West HastingsOffice 1555 McKenzie SaanichResidential 220 Prior StreetHealth + Science,Office 13335 King GeorgeMaster Planning,Residential,Mixed-Use The ShiftResidential First West Credit UnionOffice Harbourside LOT DResidential Luxe on No 3 RoadResidential,Office The HiveOffice,Mixed-Use 285 West 5thOffice,Mixed-Use 525 West 8thOffice,Mixed-Use The OnyxOffice 848 YatesResidential EllsworthResidential EscherResidential 825 Fort StreetHeritage,Residential,Mixed-Use Landmark on RobsonResidential 2715 West 12thResidential Anvil Centre & Merchant SquarePublic,Office,Mixed-Use 745 ThurlowOffice Lululemon FlagshipRetail Renfrew CentreOffice 1151 W Georgia StreetHospitality,Residential,Mixed-Use Coast Capital SavingsOffice Five | Ten SeymourRetail,Office,Mixed-Use Vancouver Aquarium RevitalizationPublic The SovereignResidential High StreetMaster Planning,Retail 720 RobsonHeritage,Retail,Office,Mixed-Use CDM 1933Office Guildford Town Centre ExpansionMaster Planning,Retail Children & Family Research Institute (CFRI)Health + Science Centre for Digital MediaPublic,Residential,Mixed-Use The 834Residential Bentall 5Office 1166 AlberniHospitality,Retail,Residential,Mixed-Use UBC WesbrookResidential Blusson Spinal Cord Centre (ICORD)Health + Science QUBEResidential Parallel MarketplaceRetail The JulietResidential Burnaby Fire Station No. 7Public DuetResidential Morgan CrossingMaster Planning,Retail,Residential,Mixed-Use Electronic Arts Phase 1 – Burnaby CampusMaster Planning,Office Electronic Arts Phase 2 – Burnaby CampusMaster Planning,Office FortisBC Operations CentreMaster Planning,Office Terminal City ClubHospitality,Retail,Residential,Office,Mixed-Use CorazonResidential Vancouver ClubHeritage,Hospitality CarmanaResidential Hospital Employees’ Union HeadquartersOffice The Village at Park RoyalMaster Planning,Retail Vancouver School BoardPublic,Office White Spot at Morgan CrossingRetail Centra GasOffice Pender PlaceRetail Block 350Retail,Residential,Office,Mixed-Use Pricewaterhouse CoopersOffice Pan Pacific HotelHospitality Gateway Station TowerOffice Uptown CentreOffice VanCity CentreOffice InfinityRetail,Residential,Mixed-Use Abbotsford Regional Hospital & Regional CentreHealth + Science The GeorgeResidential Glenlyon Business ParkOffice QLTMaster Planning,Health + Science Brian Jessel BMW DealershipRetail Semiahmoo Library & RCMP FacilityPublic Chateau WhistlerHospitality BC Research Institute for Children’s & Women’s HealthHealth + Science Fairmont Waterfront HotelHospitality 155 Water StreetRetail,Office