220 Prior Street
The project site is located at the Prior and Station Street, 220 Prior Street. At the northwest corner of the future St.Paul’s Hospital site, this will be the first medical building in the Healthcare Precinct in the FLATS district. The program calls for 100,00 sf of strata medical office, industrial and retail uses. Keltic’s development is a once in a lifetime opportunity to own office space steps from the new St. Paul’s Hospital and Health Campus, the most innovative delivery of integrated care in B.C. and Canada. This strata office project is the ultimate convenience for medical professionals.
The building is conceived as a marker, a buoy. The location of the site sits on the shoreline of the eastern half of the false creek before being filled in for development in 1914 for the National Pacific Railway. This point of intersection has historical significance that needs to be acknowledged. The investigation of form progressed in a series of proto-type studies, first through a simple form, informed by the industrial set-backs. Applying thoughts of medical instruments to this notion of a buoy. The question of how to express the history of industry and blend with a place for healing (in a western sense). The future of this area will bring down the viaducts and create a new context across this medical campus. Residence and medicine across the street from each other. Industrial colors don’t only come in black.